TSTMP: Target Selection for human TransMembrane Proteins


TSTMP database and web server is freely available by any individual and for any purpose.

Commercial use of TSTMP database and web server is prohibited unless commercial user buy Commercial License Agreement.

All user activities are monitored for security purpose. Users of the TSTMP database and web server agree not to attempt to use any part of the TSTMP database and web server's computer, files on the TSTMP database and web server apart from through the service interfaces provided.

If any user exploits the TSTMP database and web server services to a level that prevents, or looks set to prevent, the TSTMP database and web server providing services to others, the Institute of Enzymology may discontinue service to that user.

For documents and software available from this server, the Institute of Enzymology does not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed. We provide all data on an 'as-is' basis. We make no warranties regarding the correctness of the data, and disclaim liability for damages resulting from its use.

Evidence levels


Target Track statuses

 selected, cloned or expressed
 solubilized or purified
 crystallized or HSQC satisfactory
 XRAY, NMR or ERAY data collected
 model fitted
 in structure database